《Software Engineering at Google》摘抄(3)

by kevin 26. 八月 2022 14:00 >

Your organization understands your problem domain better than some random person on the internet; your organization should be able to answer most of its own questions. To achieve that, you need both experts who know the answers to those questions and mechanisms to distribute their knowledge, which is what we’ll explore in this chapter. These mechanisms range from the utterly simple (Ask questions; Write down what you know) to the much more structured, such as tutorials and classes. Most importantly, however, your organization needs a culture of learning, and that requires creating the psychological safety that permits people to admit to a lack of knowledge.(你的组织对你问题领域的理解比互联网上的一些随机的人要好;你的组织应该能解答你的大部分问题。要做到这一点,你需要知道解决问题答案的专家在哪里和传播知识的机制,这就是我们将在本章中探讨的。这些机制的范围很广,从完全简单的(提问;写下你所知道的)到系统化,如教程和课程。然而,最重要的是,你的组织需要一种学习文化,这需要创造一种心理上的安全感,允许人们承认自己缺乏知识。)


  • 缺乏安全感
  • 信息孤岛
    • 信息碎片化
    • 信息重复
    • 信息偏移
  • 单点故障(SPOF)
    SPOF可能是出于良好的意图:我们很容易陷入 "让我来帮你解决 "的习惯。但这种方法提高了短期效率("我做起来更快"),但代价是长期可扩展性差(团队从未学会如何做需要做的事)。这种心态也往往导致失败,组员要么全会或要么都不会某方面的知识。
  • 要么全会要么都不会
    一群人被分成了 "什么都懂 "的老人和什么都不会的新手,几乎没有中间地带。如果专家总是自己做所有的事情,而不花时间通过指导或编写文档来培养新的专家,这个问题往往会加剧。在这种情况下,知识和责任继续在那些已经拥有专业知识的人身上积累,而新的团队成员或新手则只能自生自灭,提升速度更慢。
  • 鹦鹉学舌
  • 闹鬼墓地


Software engineering can be defined as the multiperson development of multiversion programs.[^2] People are at the core of software engineering: code is an important output but only a small part of building a product. Crucially, code does not emerge spontaneously out of nothing, and neither does expertise. Every expert was once a novice: an organization’s success depends on growing and investing in its people.(软件工程可以定义为多人协作开发多版本程序。人是软件工程的核心:代码是重要的产出,但只是构建产品的一小部分。至关重要的是,代码不是凭空出现的,专业知识也不会凭空出现。每个专家都曾经是菜鸟:一个组织的成功取决于其员工的成长和投入。)

Psychological safety is critical to promoting a learning environment.(心理安全是促进学习环境的关键。)


  • 不要假装惊讶("什么? 我不相信你不知道堆栈是什么!")
  • 不根据事实
  • 不开小会
  • 不说微妙的谎言("这太容易了,我奶奶都能做!")

It doesn’t matter whether you’re new to a team or a senior leader: you should always be in an environment in which there’s something to learn. If not, you stagnate (and should find a new environment).(不管你是新加入的团队还是高级领导者:你应该始终处在一个有东西可学的环境中。如果不是这样,你就会停滞不前(应该找一个新的环境)。)

Consider the principle of “Chesterson’s fence”: before removing or changing something, first understand why it’s there. In the matter of reforming things, as distinct from deforming them, there is one plain and simple principle; a principle which will probably be called a paradox. There exists in such a case a certain institution or law; let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, “I don’t see the use of this; let us clear it away.” To which the more intelligent type of reformer will do well to answer: “If you don’t see the use of it, I certainly won’t let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it.”(考虑一下 "Chesterson's fence "的原则:在移除或改变某些东西之前,首先要了解它为什么存在。 在改造事物的问题上,不同于使事物变形,有一个简单明了的原则;这个原则可能会被称为悖论。在这种情况下,存在着某种制度或法律;为了简单起见,让我们说,在一条道路上竖起了栅栏或大门。更现代的改革者兴高采烈地走到它面前,说:"我看不出来这有什么用;让我们把它清除掉吧。" 对此,更聪明的改革者会很好地回答。"如果你看不到它的用途,我当然不会让你清除它。走吧,好好想想。然后,当你能回来告诉我你确实看到了它的用途时,我才会允许你销毁它。")

A system in which people can formally and easily recognize their peers is a powerful tool for encouraging peers to keep doing the awesome things they do. It’s not the bonus that matters: it’s the peer acknowledgement.(一个人们可以正式和容易地认可他们的同行系统是一个强大的工具,可以鼓励同行继续做他们所做的了不起的事情。重要的不是奖金:而是同行的认可。)

One of the primary advantages of the readability program is that it exposes engineers to more than just their own team’s tribal knowledge. To earn readability in a given language, engineers must send CLs through a centralized set of readability reviewers who review code across the entire company. Centralizing the process makes a significant trade-off: the program is limited to scaling linearly rather than sublinearly with organization growth, but it makes it easier to enforce consistency, avoid islands, and avoid (often unintentional) drifting from established norms.(可读性项目的主要优势之一是,它让工程师接触到的不仅仅是他们自己团队的内部知识。为了获得特定语言的可读性,工程师们必须将 CLs 发送给一组集中的可读性审查员,他们审查整个公司的代码。将流程集中化会带来显著的折衷:该计划仅限于随着组织的发展而线性扩展,而不是次线性扩展,但它更容易实现一致性,避免孤岛,并避免(通常是无意的)偏离既定规范。)


Knowledge is in some ways the most important (though intangible) capital of a software engineering organization, and sharing of that knowledge is crucial for making an organization resilient and redundant in the face of change. A culture that promotes open and honest knowledge sharing distributes that knowledge efficiently across the organization and allows that organization to scale over time. In most cases, investments into easier knowledge sharing reap manyfold dividends over the life of a company.(在某些方面,知识是软件工程组织最重要的(尽管是无形的)资产,而知识的共享对于使组织在面对变化时具有弹性和冗余至关重要。一种促进开放和诚实的知识共享的文化可以在整个组织内有效地分配这些知识,并使该组织能够随着时间的推移而扩展。在大多数情况下,对更容易的知识共享的投入会在一个公司的生命周期中获得许多倍的回报。)

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