《Software Engineering at Google》摘抄(14)

by kevin 9. 十一月 2022 13:53 >

Unit tests are limited by the imagination of the engineer writing them. That is, they can only test for anticipated behaviors and inputs. However, issues that users find with a product are mostly unanticipated (otherwise it would be unlikely that they would make it to end users as issues). This fact suggests that different test techniques are needed to test for unanticipated behaviors.(单元测试受到编写它们的工程师想象力的限制。也就是说,他们只能测试预期的行为和输入。然而,用户在产品中发现的问题大多是未预料到的(否则,他们不太可能将其作为问题提交给最终用户)。这一事实表明,需要不同的测试技术来测试非预期的行为。)

The remaining larger tests all provide value for longer-lived software, but the main concern becomes the maintainability of such tests as time increases.(其余大型测试都为生命周期较长的软件提供了价值,但随着时间的增加,主要的问题变成了这种测试的可维护性。)

The rate of distinct scenarios to test in an end-to-end way can grow exponentially or combinatorially depending on the structure of the system under test, and that growth does not scale. Therefore, as the system grows, we must find alternative larger testing strategies to keep things manageable.(以端到端的方式测试的不同场景的速率可以指数增长或组合增长,这取决于被测系统的结构,并且这种增长无法扩展。因此,随着系统的发展,我们必须找到其他大型测试的测试策略,以保持测试的可管理性。)

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